
Software Engineering;
Media Reviews;

About Me

…and this website too

I’m Jordan, known online (almost everywhere) as Drowrin. This is my hobby site.

I’ve been passionate about software engineering since before I knew that term. It’s one of my oldest interests, which I was fortunate enough to turn into a career. This site will contain a lot of thoughts about that, including how this site was made!

I also like to give my detailed thoughts on games, movies, books, podcasts–whatever entertainment I’ve experienced that gave me strong thoughts. Every year I round them up in a big ranked list that I spend way too much time on.

I’m very opinionated about Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TTRPGs), and I use this place to dump those thoughts. I’m always excited to try new games and explore new styles of play. I run live Actual Play podcasts–usually several per week–in a variety of systems.

TL;DRI’m a huge nerd

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Mass Effect 2

Realizing the full potential of the series

Finally Playing Mass Effect
2024-09-02 - 9 minutes

This game was a treat. It was laser-focused on the best parts of the series, and everything served a purpose. It's like someone went through all the content and cut out every second that wasn't directly part of the vision.

Final Fantasy: VI

You sound like chapters from a self-help booklet!

Final Fantasy Retrospective
2024-08-08 - 16 minutes

We've arrived at the Final Fantasy game I was most looking forward to. It has a reputation for being one of the best in the series. 30 years later, it's still the number one pick for many fans. I can see why!

Final Fantasy: V

Trading story for gameplay, for better or worse

Final Fantasy Retrospective
2024-07-16 - 12 minutes

This was a major step forward in the gameplay of the series. For the first time, I found myself seeking out random battles for the sole reason that it was fun. This absolutely carried the game.